Get Rid of Maggots Naturally: Guides and Recipes Included

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Maggots are the larvae of flies and are commonly found in garbage cans, trash cans, and other areas where food waste is present. While they may not seem like a major threat, maggots can pose health risks and create unpleasant odors. In this article, we will discuss how to get rid of maggots in various areas of your home and tips to prevent them from returning.

What Are Maggots

Maggots are small, white, worm-like creatures that are typically found in areas where food waste is present. They are the larvae of flies and go through several stages of development before becoming adult flies. Maggots feed on decaying organic matter, such as food waste and garbage, which makes them common pests in trash cans, garbage cans, and other areas where food waste is present.

While maggots may not seem like a major threat, they can pose health risks. Maggots can carry and transmit diseases, and their presence can also attract other pests, such as flies. In addition, maggots can create unpleasant odors and can be difficult to get rid of once they have infested an area.

Getting Rid of Maggots

The first step in getting rid of maggots is to remove any sources of food waste. This may include cleaning out garbage cans, trash cans, and other areas where food waste is present. Once these areas have been cleaned, you can then use various methods to kill the maggots.

One popular method for killing maggots is using bleach.

Bleach is a powerful cleaning agent that can effectively kill maggots. It is a cost-effective and easy method to get rid of maggots in your trash cans, garbage cans, and other areas. Here is a recipe and step-by-step guide on how to kill maggots with bleach.


  • 1 cup of bleach
  • 1 gallon of water


  1. Prepare the solution: In a large bucket or container, mix 1 cup of bleach with 1 gallon of water. Make sure to use a well-ventilated area and wear gloves and eye protection when handling bleach.
  2. Locate the affected area: Look for areas where maggots are present, such as trash cans, garbage cans, and other areas where food waste is present.
  3. Clean the area: Use a brush or scrubber to remove any food waste or debris from the affected area. Make sure to remove as much food waste as possible to prevent the maggots from returning.
  4. Apply the solution: Use a spray bottle to apply the bleach solution to the affected area. Make sure to saturate the area completely, but be careful not to overuse the solution as it can damage surfaces.
  5. Let the solution sit: Allow the solution to sit for at least 15 minutes to ensure that it kills all the maggots.
  6. Rinse the area: Rinse the area with clean water to remove any remaining bleach solution.
  7. Dispose of the maggots: Use a broom and dustpan to sweep up any dead maggots and dispose of them in a sealed trash bag.
  8. Repeat the process: Repeat the process every few days until you no longer see any maggots.

Note: Remember that bleach can be harmful to surfaces and clothing, so be careful when using it, and avoid using it on painted or sensitive surfaces.

Another method for killing maggots is using salt.

Salt is a natural and effective way to kill maggots. It works by dehydrating the maggots, which causes them to die. Here is a simple recipe and step-by-step guide on how to use salt to kill maggots:


  • Salt


Step 1: Locate the maggots. Maggots are typically found in trash cans, garbage cans, and other areas where food waste is present.

Step 2: Sprinkle salt on the maggots. Use a spoon or a salt shaker to sprinkle salt directly on the maggots. Make sure to cover the maggots completely with salt.

Step 3: Wait for the maggots to die. The salt will dehydrate the maggots, causing them to die within a few minutes.

Step 4: Clean up the dead maggots. Use a broom and dustpan or a vacuum to remove the dead maggots.

Step 5: Dispose of the dead maggots. Be sure to dispose of the dead maggots in a sealed garbage bag to prevent flies from laying eggs on them.

Note: If the maggots are in a hard-to-reach area, you can use a small paintbrush or a cotton swab to apply the salt to the maggots.

This method of using salt is effective, easy and inexpensive. It is also a safe method to use around children and pets. Additionally, Salt can be used to prevent maggots by applying it around the area that are prone to maggots, such as garbage cans or compost piles.

Natural Remedies To Get Rid of Maggots

While there are many chemical methods to get rid of maggots, there are also natural ways to effectively eliminate them.

One natural way to get rid of maggots is to use essential oils.

Essential oils such as tea tree oil, peppermint oil, and eucalyptus oil have insecticidal properties that can effectively kill maggots. To use essential oils to get rid of maggots, mix a few drops of the oil with water in a spray bottle and apply it to the affected area.

Another natural way to get rid of maggots is to use vinegar.

Vinegar is a natural insect repellent and can effectively kill maggots on contact. To use vinegar to get rid of maggots, mix a solution of 1 part vinegar to 10 parts water in a spray bottle and apply it to the affected area.

Another natural method that can be used is diatomaceous earth.

Diatomaceous earth is a powder that is made from the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic organisms. When it comes into contact with maggots, it causes damage to their exoskeleton, dehydrating and killing them.

Another natural way to get rid of maggots is to use borax.

Borax is a natural mineral that can effectively kill maggots on contact. To use borax to get rid of maggots, mix a solution of 1 part borax to 10 parts water in a spray bottle and apply it to the affected area.

maggots, get rid of maggots, maggots in trash can, kill maggots
Photo by James Tiono on Unsplash

Prevention Tips

Preventing maggots from returning is just as important as getting rid of them in the first place. Here are some tips to keep maggots out of your trash can and garbage can:

  1. Keep trash cans and garbage cans clean: Regularly clean out trash cans and garbage cans to remove any food waste or other debris.
  2. Keep food waste contained: Keep food waste, such as leftover food and food scraps, in tightly sealed containers to prevent flies from laying eggs.
  3. Regularly inspect for maggots: Regularly inspect trash cans and garbage cans for maggots and other pests.
  4. Keep flies away: Flies are attracted to food waste, so keep flies away by using natural fly traps or fly repellents such as using basil, mint, and lavender plants around your house.
  5. Use natural pesticides: If you see maggots, you can use natural pesticides such as neem oil, pyrethrin, and rotenone.

4 Interesting Facts About Maggots

  • Maggots have no legs, they move by wriggling their body.
  • Maggots have a mouth but no eyes or ears.
  • Maggots are often used in forensic science to estimate the time of death.
  • Maggots have been used in medicine for centuries to clean wounds and prevent infections.

(Video) Kill Maggots in the Trash Can

FAQs About Maggots

How to get rid of maggots in the trash can?

To get rid of maggots in the trash can, you can use natural methods such as salt or vinegar. Sprinkle salt on the maggots and wait for them to dehydrate and die. Vinegar can also be used to kill maggots by pouring it over the maggots and leaving it for a few hours. Another option is to use chemical methods such as insecticides.

What kills maggots instantly?

Salt kills maggots instantly by dehydrating them. When maggots come in contact with salt, they will immediately stop moving and eventually die.

Can maggots harm humans?

Maggots are not known to harm humans, but they can cause food poisoning if they come into contact with food. They should be removed and disposed of properly to prevent the spread of bacteria.

Do maggots just turn into flies?

Maggots are the larval stage of flies. They will eventually transform into adult flies through the pupal stage. It is important to remove maggots and prevent the flies from laying eggs to interrupt their life cycle.

In conclusion, maggots can be a nuisance, but there are natural ways to effectively get rid of them. By using essential oils, vinegar, diatomaceous earth, borax, and implementing preventive measures, you can keep maggots at bay and maintain a clean and healthy environment.

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