How To: Getting Rid of Grasshoppers for Good!

get rid of grasshoppers, grasshoppers, brown cricket on white surface
Photo by Ethan Shan on Unsplash

Grasshoppers can be a nuisance in gardens and yards, causing damage to plants and crops. To effectively manage and prevent grasshopper infestations, follow these top tips and recipes to keep your outdoor space pest-free.

Top Tips for Grasshopper Control

Effective grasshopper control involves a combination of preventive and reactive measures. Here’s a more detailed look at the top tips for managing grasshopper populations and protecting your yard and garden from infestations.

1. Remove potential habitats

Eliminate tall grasses, weeds, and debris from your yard and garden, as these provide shelter and breeding sites for grasshoppers. Regularly mow your lawn, trim bushes, and clear away dead plant material to reduce the likelihood of grasshopper infestations. Additionally, consider tilling your soil in the fall or early spring to expose grasshopper eggs and disrupt their life cycle.

2. Introduce natural predators

Birds, frogs, and toads are natural predators of grasshoppers and can help keep their populations under control. Attract birds by providing birdhouses, bird feeders, and birdbaths. Create a small pond or water feature to encourage frogs and toads to take up residence in your yard. However, if frogs and toads become a problem, learn how to get rid of them using safe and effective methods.

3. Use insect-repelling plants

Incorporate insect-repelling plants into your garden to deter grasshoppers and other pests. Garlic, cilantro, and calendula are known to be unappealing to grasshoppers and can help protect your other plants from damage. Additionally, these plants can attract beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and lacewings, that prey on other garden pests.

4. Use physical barriers

Protect your plants from grasshopper damage by using fine mesh or netting. Cover young plants or vulnerable crops with these barriers to prevent grasshoppers from feeding on them. Make sure the mesh is securely fastened to the ground to prevent grasshoppers from crawling underneath.

5. Employ organic pesticides

Apply organic pesticides, such as diatomaceous earth, neem oil, or hot pepper wax, to your plants to repel grasshoppers. These substances are safe for humans, pets, and the environment and can be effective in controlling grasshopper populations. Reapply the pesticides after heavy rain or every 7-10 days to maintain their effectiveness.

6. Trap grasshoppers

Create simple grasshopper traps using jars or containers filled with a mixture of molasses and water. Place these traps around your yard and garden to attract and drown grasshoppers. Replace the traps regularly to maintain their effectiveness.

By following these top tips for grasshopper control, you can minimize the risk of infestations and protect your yard and garden from damage. Remember that consistency is key, and a combination of methods will provide the best results.

Recipes for Grasshopper Control

Neem Oil Spray

  • 1 quart warm water
  • 1 teaspoon neem oil
  • 1/3 teaspoon mild liquid soap

Mix the ingredients together in a spray bottle and apply to affected plants. Reapply after heavy rain or every 7-10 days.

Garlic Spray

  • 10-12 cloves of garlic
  • 1 quart water
  • 1 teaspoon mild liquid soap

Blend the garlic cloves and water in a blender, strain the mixture, and add the liquid soap. Fill a spray bottle with the solution and apply to plants as needed.

Hot Pepper Wax Spray

  • 1/2 cup hot pepper sauce
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 teaspoon mild liquid soap

Mix the hot pepper sauce, water, and liquid soap in a spray bottle. Apply to plants every 7-10 days or after heavy rain.

kill grasshopper, prevent grasshopper, grasshopper infestation, brown grasshopper on gray ground in close up photography during daytime
Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

Why Grasshoppers Come to Your Yard

Grasshoppers are attracted to yards and gardens for various reasons. Understanding these factors can help you prevent infestations and protect your plants from damage. Here are the main reasons why grasshoppers may be drawn to your outdoor space:

Food Sources

Grasshoppers are primarily herbivores, feeding on a wide range of plants, including grasses, leaves, flowers, and crops. They are drawn to yards and gardens with abundant vegetation, especially when food is scarce in their natural habitat. Ensuring that your garden has a diverse range of plants can help distribute the damage caused by grasshoppers and minimize the overall impact on your garden.

Shelter and Breeding Sites

Grasshoppers prefer areas with tall grasses, weeds, and debris, which provide hiding spots and breeding sites. They lay their eggs in soil, often near the base of plants or in areas with ample plant cover. Maintaining a clean and well-manicured yard can help discourage grasshoppers from establishing a breeding ground in your outdoor space.

Warm and Dry Conditions

Grasshoppers thrive in warm, dry environments. They are more likely to infest yards and gardens during periods of drought or in regions with arid climates. Watering your plants and maintaining a healthy, moist soil can help deter grasshoppers from taking up residence in your garden.

Lack of Natural Predators

A lack of natural predators, such as birds, frogs, and toads, can lead to an increase in grasshopper populations in your yard. Encouraging these predators by providing food sources, shelter, and water can help control grasshopper numbers and protect your plants from damage.

By understanding why grasshoppers are attracted to your yard, you can take proactive steps to minimize their presence and protect your garden from damage. Implementing the top tips and recipes mentioned earlier in this guide can further aid in managing grasshopper infestations effectively.

(Video) How To


How do I permanently get rid of grasshoppers?

Permanently getting rid of grasshoppers is challenging due to their ability to breed and adapt quickly. However, by consistently employing a combination of preventive measures, such as removing potential habitats, introducing natural predators, using insect-repelling plants, setting up physical barriers, and applying organic pesticides, you can significantly reduce grasshopper populations in your yard and keep them under control.

What is the quickest way to get rid of grasshoppers?

The quickest way to get rid of grasshoppers is to use a combination of organic pesticides, such as neem oil, garlic spray, or hot pepper wax spray, and physical barriers like fine mesh or netting. These methods can provide immediate relief by killing or repelling grasshoppers and protecting your plants from further damage.

How do farmers control grasshoppers?

Farmers often use a combination of methods to control grasshopper populations, including:
– Regular monitoring to detect early infestations
– Biological control agents, such as the introduction of natural predators like birds and parasitic wasps
– Chemical control, using insecticides when necessary and following integrated pest management (IPM) practices to minimize environmental impact
– Cultural control, including crop rotation and tillage to disrupt grasshopper breeding and feeding habits

What kills grasshoppers in the yard?

Several methods can kill grasshoppers in your yard, including:
– Organic pesticides, such as neem oil, diatomaceous earth, or hot pepper wax spray
– Natural predators, like birds, frogs, and toads, which can help control grasshopper populations by feeding on them
– Physical barriers, like fine mesh or netting, that prevent grasshoppers from accessing your plants and ultimately lead to starvation

What happens if there are too many grasshoppers?

If grasshopper populations become too large, they can cause significant damage to gardens, crops, and natural ecosystems. In extreme cases, large infestations can lead to reduced crop yields, economic losses for farmers, and even contribute to soil erosion as plants are stripped of their foliage. Additionally, grasshoppers can become a nuisance in residential areas, causing damage to ornamental plants and gardens.

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